What is the difference between aromatherapy and essential oils?

Basically, these terms mean the same thing. 

When think the term "aromatherapy" it is a bit misleading because it implies that all essential oils smell nice. This isn’t the case, there are many essential oils that do not have a pleasant odor but offer great therapeutic benefits. Also, the name aromatherapy implies that smelling the essential oils is the only way to get the therapeutic benefits when in actuality there are a number of ways to use essential oils. 

My three favorite ways to use essential oils. 


Rollerballs supply blends of oils through topical application on the skin. Oil rollers are safe to use on skin because they only use a few drops of essential oils then are topped with a carrier oil.




Using salves is another great way to topically use essential oils. The salve serves as the carrier consisting of varuses oils, butters and waxes with a few drops of essential oils for added therapeutic benefits. 



My absolute favorite is having the ability to make my own perfume or rooms sprays. For someone is breaks to most products, like me this is a game changer and very simple to make.     Vodka or high-grade alcohol acts as the carrier in this scenario with essential oils for the scent of choice.  Sprays can be made with the therapeutic benefits in made or simply, because you enjoy the scent.
